Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My expieriences with misson:

havent really talked about them so i thought id put them out there

Daniel Short came into my life via i dont know and so did Ian. We have had wierd expieriences.
1st off...the ever famous Tit Face and his crew (they're pretty sweet).
Firsty off the reason he is called tit face is because he is constantly burried in his girlfriends breasts. but thats not all they do. they slap butts and also vigorously dry hump...(I know right?)
He is potentially a Cromagnon, becuse of the extended brow, small cranium and large stature (the largeness throws us off). His crew of bikers are pretty B.A. considering they jump the 5 stair every day on their bikes, Daniel and i as witnesses. They also watch Tit Face and his girlfriend in their various...activities, VERY INTENTLY... really REALLY wierd. There is also El Burro, T.F's trusty bikechain wearing companion. Also, there is Toast... my stalker. she watches me alot. aks me out to lunch and stuff...SUPER AWKWARD. Brett's date to winter formal who expects to be asked out, i think because she paid for him...bad idea. what else.... waterpolo club team is alot of fun, accept tuesdays and thursdays. Just thought i should put that stuff out there.